Wednesday, September 17, 2008

friend count.

hey hey! So as most of you know, Thomas really wanted to get his friend count to at least 2,000 a while back ago. Well, he's almost there!! As of now, he has 1567 friends. I know we can do it. Tell all your friends about Thomas and then tell them to add him on his MySpace here. Also, be sure to add him on his Music MySpace here.

Monday, September 1, 2008

don't forget to add Thomas in the Spotlight! on MySpace.
(new layout coming soon)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thomas on T.V. and New POLL

As of now, our very own Thomas Augusto is being considered for 2 shows (both are pilots) that could possibly air on T.V., one is on FOX and the other on ABC!!!

Also be on the lookout for new pics and checkout/vote on the new poll.
The question is "What kind of music would you like to hear from Thomas?"

as well as the old one if you haven't already :)

MySpace: Updating.

I just wanted to let you all know, that the Thomas in the Spotlight! MySpace will be unavailable for a while until I finish with the new Layout and Updates on it. I will resume adding and accepting Friend Requests once it's finished or near being finished!

Hey everyone, i'm extremely sorry for lack of updates in a long while but i'm back on track and have a few announcements for you.
Thomas is currently Modeling some men's clothing for HECHO LATINO clothing company. At Thomas in the Spotlight, we support everything he does, and think that modeling suits him perfectly. It's another perfect talent of his.
Be sure to visit and check out their clothing and upcoming events.

Rumor Control.

As some of you may have heard, there were some untrue and hurtful rumors about Thomas being mean to his fans. That is completely untrue and was very uncalled for. He tries to at least read every message he gets, but it's really hard for him to get back to every message or comment he gets on myspace considering he too has a life and a busy one at that. He's working hard to get some more music made for all this fans and is working on several other projects as well. But he really does try to respond to as many fans as possible when he can, so keep sending meaningful comments/messages or just stop by to say hey, he'll try to get back to you soon. Thomas had something to say about this whole rumor and you can check out his bulletin here.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Music Blog

Thomas posted a blog back in December, about New Music!!

" New Music!!!
Is coming SOON! STay tuned ;]"

is what he had to say! Exciting huh? well, just be sure to keep checking in on his Music MySpace here! and i'll keep you updated here as well! :D

check out the blog here!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thomas at Fair Park

Friday June 20, 2008 as many of you may know, was the Menudo Concert at Fair Park here in Dallas, Texas. But what you may not know, is that Thomas was there to support the boys and just have fun!! Thomas was super nice and hung out with us for a bit after the Menudo Meet&Greet! He signed some autographs and took pictures and even talked to my friend on the phone! It was all great. Before leaving, he told my friends and I " out for me this year!!" and I was like "I knew it!! I knew he was going to come out with something soon!" So everyone, make sure you keep an eye out for Thomas Augusto but don't worry Thomas in the Spotlight! will keep you updated on any news!! I know we are all excited can't wait to see whats to come! Leave me your thoughts as to what you think he may do first, but remember start spreading the word about Thomas!

Get Thomas to 2000 friends!!

Thomas needs the help of his fans to get him to at least 2,000 friends on his MySpace!! I know we can do it! So let's spread the word about him and get him some more friend requests!!

What you can do to help:
  • post bulletins
  • tell your friends
  • put thomas on your tops!
  • whatever else you can think of :D
Thomas has a great talent that deserves to be discovered, so lets help him out and get him some more friends, so he can share it with the world.
Check out his MySpace: here!
Check out his Music MySpace: here!